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Bezplatná Inzercia - London Hľadať v inzerciíPridať inzerát

Creative Web and Flash Development (per project)

Dátum pridania: Thursday 22 Octtber 2009| Prezreté: 3743krát
Lokalita: London| Telefón:07882 305 092| Mesto: Brighton| E-mail: contact@redcrystalstudios.com |

Bespoke web sites, web applications and designs which suit your business and style delivered with an outstanding customer care.

We offer the following services:

- web sites and applications development
- bespoke Content Management Systems
- video cueing, streaming, recording
- creation of customizable and editable Flash web sites
- database-driven Flash web sites
- music/ sound

- HTML and CSS development, Search Engine and cross-browser optimisation
- bespoke Content Management Systems
- JavaScript development
- graphic design (posters, flyers, business cards, etc.)

Contact us today and get a quote within 24 hours.

Lenka Pitonakova
RedCrystal Studios

T: 07882 305 092
E: contact@redcrystalstudios.com
W: www.redcrystalstudios.com

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