About Slovakia

About Slovakia
5.4 million Nationalities: Slovak (86%), Hungarian (9.5%), Roma (1.8% - self-identification in the last census), others (2.7% - Czech, German, Ukraine, Ruthene, Polish) Religions: Roman Catholic (69%), Lutheran and Evangelist (7%), Greek Catholic (4%), Calvinist (2%), others (5%); without religion (13%)
Area: 49,035 square km
Highest point: Mt Gerlach (Gerlachovský štít; 2,655 m)
Longest river: Váh (403 km)
Towns: 136 (settlements with more than 5,000 inhabitants)
Villages: 2,717 (settlements with fewer than 5,000 inhabitants)
National parks: 9
Caves: 660
Castles and castle ruins: 300
Major cities: Bratislava (capital; population 452,053), Košice (240,915), Prešov (91,621), Banská Bystrica (84,919)
Important phone numbers
Information 1181
General emergency 112
Police 158
Ambulance 155
Fire 150
Emergency Road Service 18124
Slovakia has a continental climate with hot summers and cold winters. Temperatures in summer average over 20ºC, but can rise to the mid-30s. Winter temperatures are around 0ºC, but can plummet to 30 degrees below.
Slovak money
On 1 January 2009 Slovakia adopted the common currency and became the 16th country to use the single currency on the same day that the euro marks its 10th anniversary. From New Year's Day 328.6 million people including 5.4 million Slovaks will now share the same currency.
1 Euro = 30.1260 Slovak Crowns
When changing money, look for signs saying “change” (zmenáreň), and steer clear of strangers offering to exchange money on the street (i.e. crooks who will either stick you with worthless bills or just snatch yours).
You can get cash from international accounts at an automatic teller machine, usually marked Bankomat. Travellers’ cheques can be cashed at most banks and some exchange offices. Credit cards are gaining acceptance, especially in tourist areas and bigger towns.
National holidays
1. January - New Year Day
Independence Day (1993)
5. July - St. Cyrilus, St. Methodius Day
( their arrival into Great-Moravia's Empire in 863)
29. August - Slovak National Uprising Day
1. September - Constitutions Day
17. November - Day of Struggle for Liberty and Democracy
Days off
6. January - Epiphany
10. April - Good Friday
13. April - Easter Monday
1. May - Labor Day
8. May - Victory over Fascism Day
15. September - Our Lady of seven Sorrows
1. November - All Saints' Day
24. December - Christmas Eve
25. December - Christmas Day
26. December - 2.nd Christmas Day
Useful links
More info
- History of Slovakia (9104x)
- Culture of Slovakia (18079x)
- Travelling around Slovakia (8271x)
- Videos about Slovakia (19127x)
- Useful links in Slovakia (17720x)
- Slovak education (8725x)
- Bratislava (4189x)
- High Tatras (3450x)
- Spas in Slovakia (4862x)
- Caves in Slovakia (7948x)
- UNESCO sites in Slovakia (3047x)
- Economy of Slovakia (10746x)
- Geography of Slovakia (17911x)
Quick navigation
Slovaks on the map
Slovakia 2011

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