Caves in Slovakia

Caves in Slovakia
In Slovakia there are about 4 thousand caves, 14 of which are open to the public. Usually these caves are with stalactites, numerous are the caves of ice, but there are also very special and rare caves, like the Ochtinska Aragonit Cave, that is one of the three accessible caves of this kind all over the world.
The underground spaces of these caves were created during millions of years thanks to the continuous intense activity of water, of rocks and of air. The calcareous formations that come down from the ceiling are called stalactites. If this formations raise from land are called stalagmites, while when such formations meet themselves are called stalagnat (united columns).
- Belianska jaskyňa (Belianska Cave)
- Bystrianská jaskyňa (Bystrianska Cave)
- Demänovská jaskyňa Slobody (Demanova Cave of Liberty)
- Demänovská ľadová jaskyňa (Demanova Ice Cave)
- Dobšinská Ľadová jaskyňa (Dobsinska Ice Cave)
- Jaskyňa Domica (Domica Cave)
- Jaskyňa Driny (Driny Cave)
- Gombasecká jaskyňa (Gombasecka Cave)
- Harmanecká jaskyňa (Harmanecka Cave)
- Jasovská jaskyňa (Jasecka Cave)
- Ochtinská aragonitová jaskyňa (Ochtinska Aragonit Cave)
- Jaskyňa mŕtvych netopierov (Dead Bats Cave)
- Vážecká jaskyňa (Vazecka Cave)
- Bojnická jaskyňa (Bojnicka Cave)
- Krásnohorská jaskyňa (Krasnohorska Cave)
- Jaskyňa Zlá diera (Zla Diera Cave)
The management of the Slovak caves
- Hodzova 11, 031 01 Liptovsky Mikulas
- Tel.: + 421 44 5536101, 5536221
- Fax: + 421 44 5536311
- e-mail:
Caves open to the public from May 15 to September 15:
Demanovska ladova
- Nizke Tatry, cesta c.II/34, Podbreziny 497 031 01 Liptovsky Mikulas
Tel.: +421/849/759170
Dobsinska ladova
- Slovensky raj, cesta c.67, 049 71 Dobšina
Tel.: +421/942/98159
Jaskyna mrtvych netopierov (Dead Bats Cave)
- Group booking is made via dispatching guide service
Tel.: +421/867/695250, 620670, 675428
Caves with the year-round operation:
Belianska cave
- Belianske Tatry, cesta c.67, 059 54 Tatranska KotlinaTel.: +421/969/467375
Bystrianska cave
- Nizke Tatry, cesta c. 529/72, 977 01 BreznoTel.: +421/867/695133
Demanovska cave- Jaskyna slobody
- Nizke Tatry, cesta c. II/584, 032 51 Demanovska DolinaTel.: +421/849/91673
The Domica Cave
- Slovensky kras, cesta c.50, 049 55 Dolna VesTel.: +421/942/928261
Jasovska cave
- Slovensky kras, cesta c.50, 044 23 JasovTel.: +421/943/94165
Vazecka cave
- Nizke Tatry, cesta c.18, Vazec 61Tel.: +421/844/294171
More info:
Photo: Archív VÚC Banská Bystrica
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